NINA-W1 series - System Integration Manual
UBX-17005730 - R07
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Figure 6: Software Update using s-center
For more information about the parameters, see the Software UFWUPD command in u-blox
Short Range Modules AT Commands Manual [1] and NINA-W1 Getting Started [6].
Developing and flashing the NINA-W10 open CPU software
If you are using the NINA-W10 open CPU variant, it is not possible to use the u-blox connectivity
software. Use the software developed and compiled using the Espressif SDK on this variant.
The build and flash information while using Espressif SDK is available at the following URL -
This URL provides information on how to set up the software environment using the hardware based
on the Espressif ESP32 such as NINA-W10 and also how to use the ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT
Development Framework).
The following must be setup in order to compile, flash, and execute a program on NINA-W10:
Setup Toolchain
Windows, Mac, and Linux is supported
Download the GIT repository provided by Espressif
Setup Path to ESP-IDF
The toolchain program can access the ESP-IDF using IDF_PATH environment variable
Build and Flash
Start a Project, Connect, Configure, Build and Flash a program
More information about this is available at -
Setup Toolchain
To start development with ESP32, it is recommended to use a prebuilt toolchain. Currently,
Windows, Mac, and Linux is supported. The example in this document will use a Toolchain for
running Windows, that is, a bash shell window. The toolchain contains all programs and compiler to
build an application.
The latest toolchain for Windows can be downloaded from
Unzip the file to c:\ msys32. This path is assumed in the following examples, but it can be located in
another folder as well. The file size is around 500 MB.