EVK-VERA-P174 - User Guide
UBX-17048707 - R06
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A standalone software package for the VERA-P1 modules called “LLC Remote” is available through
u-blox support. The “LLC Remote” software package contains the following:
A firmware image that has to be downloaded to the module on system start
A driver, which is placed between the bus driver and network layer of the V2X stack
Various test tools and example applications
Precompiled executables to run on a Linux x86 PC
The LLC driver and part of the tools are provided as source code. The SDR firmware and LLC driver is
developed by Cohda Wireless Pty, as a subcontractor of NXP Semiconductors N.V. The release
process of the firmware binary and the associated LLC Remote driver implementation is combined
with the major release of the Cohda MKx Software Development Kit
and the version numbering of
the LLC Remote package follows the numbering of the Cohda SDK.
A release notes document with quick start instructions for compiling the software is available with
each software package. Recipes for integrating the software package into Yocto-based projects can
be provided by u-blox on request.
To evaluate the VERA-P1 series module, the EVK-VERA-P174 can be connected via USB to a native
Linux PC or a virtual machine running Linux. For this user guide, a virtual machine running Ubuntu
18.04 LTS with Linux kernel 4.15.0-23-generic (x86_64) has been used.
Quick start instructions
Copy the LLC Remote package archive into the target Linux development environment. Extract the
package content and change to the extracted directory.
$ tar -xzf V2X_LLC_Remote_V15.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd llc-remote
Run the
install.sh script once in a new development environment to automatically install the package
dependencies. The script requires system privileges and an active Internet connection for
downloading the packages. The main dependencies of the LLC Remote package are:
dfu-util, for downloading the radio firmware to the module in USB DFU boot mode
linux-headers, for building the LLC remote driver
bison, flex, for building the included libpcap library used by the LLC user-space library
$ sudo ./install.sh
The next step is to run
make to build the whole software package:
$ make
If the make process fails because of a missing
pcap library, run the following command to create
the missing symbolic link to the library and then run
make again:
$ ln -sr bsp/app/libpcap/$(uname -m)/libpcap.a cohda/app/llc/lib/
This will compile and install the following parts:
cw-llc driver for the active running Linux kernel
LLC user-space library libLLC.so
A full SDK supporting IEEE 1609 and ETSI ITS software stacks is available from Cohda Wireless.