RT9 Powershelf
Rectifier Technologies
Type 0 followed by Enter.
The first item in server configuration is local IP address. That has been programmed
already, but it is necessary to go through all bytes. Information in brackets shows current
setting, which can be modified by typing new entry followed by Enter key. Next item after
IP address reads:
Set gateway IP address
[or (Y)]
If value is (Y) – just press Enter, if (N) – press ‘Y’ followed by enter. Next item will be:
Gateway IP address (nnn)
Enter assigned gateway address, then press Enter at each item until set up menu is
shown again. Terminate Telnet session by typing 8 or 9.
7.2 Programming IP addresses using ARP and Telnet access.
Procedure described below is recommended for advanced users with understanding of
operation of networks.
7.2.1 Preparations for local address set up
From your network administrator obtain new IP address. Also ask for your network
Connect PC to the controller’s network interface (directly or via a network).
Power-up the controller
7.2.2 Local IP address set up procedure
The following section is excerpted from Lantronix "Embedded Integration Kit" Revision D 06/03/02,
Part Number 900-226.
The unit’s IP address must be configured before a network connection is available.
If the unit has no IP address, you can use Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
method from Windows-based systems to assign a temporary IP address. If you
want to initially configure the unit through the network, follow these steps:
1. On a Windows-based host, create an entry in the host's ARP table using the
intended IP address and the hardware address of the unit, which is found on the
product label on the bottom of the unit.
arp -s 00-20-4A-xx-xx-xx
The IP address used here is an example and a value within the range of allowable
IP addresses in your network may need to be used. The DOS command
with display the IP address of the
Windows-based host machine.
For the ARP command to work on Windows 95, the ARP table on the PC must have
at least one IP address defined other than its own.
2. If you are using Windows 95, type ARP -A at the DOS command prompt to verify
that there is at least one entry in the ARP table. If the local machine is the only
entry, ping another IP address on your network to build a new entry in the ARP
table; the IP address must be a host other than the machine on which you are