Play Mode
Single Play → is playing one file from start to end .
Continuous Play → is playing all playable files of the folder and stops. Non-playable files
will be skipped.
Random Play → is playing the files randomly. In this mode only playable files are allowed
to be in the folder.
Song Loop → is playing the same file repeatedly.
Album Loop → is the same as Continuous Play, but with repeating.
Baud Rate Serial
The baud rate setting is relevant only if the serial protocol via RS232 is used. Values between 1200
and 256000 baud are possible.
Data Port Mode
The normal setting for using a single device is „standard“.
If you plan to use more than one device than both modes are of interest.
In „standard“ mode the Waveplayer responds only to commands which have the same ID.
Commands which have not the same ID will be forward to the next device. Commands with the
ID=255 are broadcasts and will be responded and forwarded to the next device in the chain.
In „bus master“ mode the buttons „Stop, Pause, Play“ will be forwarded via broadcast to the other
devices. This way you can use more than one device via one keypad. When „Start Mode“ is „auto“
then the device will simulate a play command, at power on, to start all other connected devices too.
In „Play Mode“ „song loop“ a play command will be send at start of every new loop cycle to resync
the other devices. In „bus master“ mode no telegrams will be forwarded.
Device ID
If you plan to use the data port of the Waveplayer this ID could be of interest. You can set this value
from 0 to 255. If the second parameter of a command matches the device ID, the command will be
executed and you will get an answer. Note: The 255 is the broadcast ID of all devices. All devices
will execute this command but never get a response.
LCD contrast
Set the contrast of the LCD display.
LTC Timecode
The device has a LTC timecode input and output. The output displays the current play time of the
running track. The timecode is using a 25f/s format. The timecode input is permanently active. Is a
valid signal on the input detected, the current playtime will fit to the input time. If you want to use
the timecode input, the datas on card must not be fragmented!