HD800V2 Serial Protocol, Version 1.2, 9/11/13
Basic Control
‘MZ’ Query Examples
There are two forms of the query response string, depending upon whether any channel breakaway
options are in affect.
For instance if HDMI video, digital audio, and HDMI audio, are all muted on zone ‘1’, then:
^MZ @1,?$
Query request sent to the A/V switch
would respond with:
Indicates no errors in the command
^=MZ @1,1
Video and all audio channels are muted on zone ’3’
To make parsing the response strings easier, only one response string is sent per zone. Or, in the case of
channel breakaways, only one response string per channel is returned. The response string is sent as a
fixed length string using leading zeroes.
You can request the settings of multiple zones, with one command, and only one response string per
zone will be returned, for instance:
^MZ @1,@3,@4,?
could return:
Indicates no errors in the command
^=MZ @001,1$
All channels of zone ‘1’ are muted
^=MZ @003,0$
All channels of zone ‘3’ are not muted