To send an SMS website link location request
Send SMS “LINKLOCATE*123456” to the tracker, “LINKLOCATE” is a command, “123456” is password; the tracker will and send
back location information (as an internet link) of current location to the caller. Using your smart phone with internet access, click the
website link and the map location will be displayed. If the command or password is incorrect, the operation is aborted, and the
tracker will send back information “Bad Command” or “Wrong Password.
To set an object move alert (can be used as a car alarm)
Send SMS
“SETMOVE*123456” to tracker, “SETMOVE” is a command, “123456” is password, the tracker will send back the
“SETMOVE OK” or “SETMOVE FAIL” to indicate the operation is successful or failed. After setting this function, the
system will monitor the object continuously, if the object is moves, the tracker will send an alert and location information by SMS to
whoever enabled the alert, and then every 5 minutes the tracker will send alert information via text until the tracker stops moving.
The object move alert SMS looks like this:
Latitude: 22.680206N
Longitude: 114.146998E
Speed (km/h):45.0
Direction (Degrees):303.30
GMT: 2008/04/25 08:29:06.000
Battery: 78%
To set an over area alert
As an example only, send
“SETAREA*123456*A22.670000N114.140000E*B22.680000N114.140000E” SMS to the tracker,
“SETAREA” is a command, “123456” is password, “A22.670000N114.140000E” is the longitude example and latitude example of the
first point (Point A) location,
“B22.680000N114.140000E” is the longitude and latitude of the second point (Point B) location.
Note: the over area function needs 2 points of reference A and B. Point A must be on the left bottom of the point B, the format of
latitude and longitude of every point is as follow: Latitude format is YY.YYYYYYN (8 digits) plus N or S, (north latitude or south
latitude), if there are not 8 digits please add zero to the end of 8 digits, Longitude format is XXX.XXXXXXE (9 digits) plus E or W
(east longitude or west longitude), if there are not 9 digits please add zero, if the command and password is incorrect, the tracker will
send back the information
“AREASET OK” or “AREASET FAIL” to indicate the operation is successful or a failure.
After setting the over area alert, the system will track the location every 5 minutes and check to see if the object is in the preset area
or not, if the object is go out the area, then the tracker will send SMS to the phone who enabled the alert.
The over area SMS alert looks like this: