Getting Started with ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite
Intended Audience
The primary audience of this manual is a programmer with experience in
desktop and/or embedded programming, but with little or no experience
with the Blackfin architecture and/or Vi+. A working knowledge
of the C and C++ programming languages will be extremely helpful in
understanding the examples and source code blocks referenced in this
Manual Contents
The manual consists of:
• Exercise 1,
“Programming ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite with Visu-
Provides instructions for connecting the EZ-KIT Lite to a PC and
writing a C program to perform two sorting algorithms.
• Exercise 2,
“Running a TCP/IP application on an ADSP-BF537
Provides instructions for creating a TCP/IP application using the
open source LwIP stack and Vi+ Kernel.
• Exercise 3,
“Controlling a real-time application via TCP/IP” on
Provides instructions for creating a complex application with audio
pass-through VDK threads that operate concurrently and indepen-
dently with the TCP/IP stack’s operations.
• Appendix A,
“Creating a TCP/IP Application” on page A-1
Familiarizes the user with the concepts utilized in the creation of a
TCP/IP application.