Channel Output Level:
To adjust the volume control of an output channel.
In this command x represents the output channel to select (between 1 and 4).
The volume is represented by the yy section of the command. yy can range
between 00 (off) and E1 (225 = +12dB of gain). This allows half dB steps
throughout the range where:
00 = Off
01 = -100dB
C9 = 0dB
E1 = +12dB
When a volume is adjusted the unit will reply with:
where x and yy are as per above.
To request the current level of a source:
where x is per above.
Channel Output Mute
To toggle the mute control of an output channel.
In this command x represents the output channel to select (between 1 and 4).
The value of yy should either be 00 or 01.
00 = Unmuted
01 = Muted
If a mute flag is adjusted the unit will responded with:
where x and yy are as per above.
To request the current value of the mute flag:
where x is as per above.
Low Power Mode
To place the enable or disable “low power mode”
In this command the xx represents whether the unit is in low power mode of
00 = Normal Mode
01 = Low Power Mode
To request the current value:
Power Amplifier Fault Indication
To poll the unit for its current fault status
In this command x represents the channel to select (between 1 and 4).
The AMDXY00P will respond with.
In this command the yy represents whether the unit is in amplifier fault mode
00 = Amp is running in normal mode
01 = Amp is in thermal shutdown
02 = Amp is in fault shutdown
The PAMP command is a polled command, the AMD100/200 will not send
data regarding the amp status unless explicitly requested to do so.
Power Amplifier Version Information
To poll the unit for its device and firmware information.
The AMDXY00P will respond with.
In this command xy can be either 21, 22, 41 or 42 to indicate the device
aa represents the major firmware version number
(can range from 00 to FF)
bb represents the minor firmware version number
(can range from 00 to FF)
cccc represents the firmware revision number
(can range from 0000 to FFFF)