3.10.2 Delete Wi-Fi Connection
Delete the Wi-Fi Connection to “Embest-WiFi”.
root@maaxboard:~# nmcli con del Embest-WiFi
Connection ' Embest-WiFi ' (12551227-ee19-4054-9f43-0c9b83b75995) successfully deleted.
root@maaxboard:~# [ 2581.404408] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[ 2581.950671] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
3.10.3 Wi-Fi Hotspot
To open a Wi-Fi hotspot, disconnect Wi-Fi connection, connect the network cable to J13, and execute
the following instructions on the serial terminal:
root@maaxboard:~# nmcli dev wifi hotspot ifname wlan0 con-name MyHostspot ssid
MyHostspotSSID password 12345678
In above instruction: “MyHostspot” is connection name, “MyHostspotSSID” is the SSID, “12345678” is
the password. Users could connect the hotspot with Wi-Fi device.
Close the Wi-Fi hotspot:
To temporary close the hotspot, see:
Connect and Disconnect Wi-Fi Connection
Delete the Wi-Fi hotspot:
root@maaxboard:~# nmcli con del MyHostspot
3.10.4 Configure Via GUI
Debian Weston system support nmcli GUI version, users can configure Wi-Fi connection from GUI. For
detail, refer to
3.11 Bluetooth 4.2
3.11.1 Initialize the Bluetooth Module
Execute the following instructions on the serial terminal:
root@maaxboard:~# hciattach /dev/ttymxc3 bcm43xx 115200
Cannot open directory '/etc/firmware': No such file or directory
Patch not found, continue anyway
Set Controller UART speed to 115200 bit/s
Device setup complete
root@maaxboard:~# hciconfig hci0 up