CNX Card Cage System Crestron
CNX Card Cage System: CNRACKX
Operations Guide - DOC. 8133
File Types
There are quite a few file types involved with Crestron control software. This section
explains the different types that might be encountered in each directory. In many
cases the supplied software is grouped into a number of subdirectories. The intent is
to keep files organized. For example, after copying the files to the hard disk, the
directory structure
appear as shown below.
Possible Directory Structure
“Ops” Subdirectory
- The files in this subdirectory contain the CNRACKX
operating system with which the program was tested. Ensure that the operating
system version currently loaded is equal to or newer than the version included here,
so that the program runs properly. For help with uploading an operating system, refer
to “Updating the Control System” on page 25.
File Types in “Ops” Subdirectory
This is a control system file. For more information regarding these
files, refer to "Upgrading the Control System".
“Programs” Subdirectory
- The files in this subdirectory contain the system
program. This is the main program that loads into the CNRACKX and determines
the exact functionality of the system.
File Types in “Programs” Subdirectory
This is the SIMPL Windows program file. It contains the source code
for the main system program. This file is required if changes need to
be made to the program.
This is the "executable code" for the CNRACKX. This file is loaded
into the CNRACKX and cause it to behave as instructed by the
This is the SIMPL-C file that is generated from the .smw file when a
program is compiled. In SIMPL Windows version 1.18 or lower, this
file is what actually gets compiled into the .bin file. In versions after
1.18, this file may or may not be generated and is not required.
This is a text file containing information about the last program
compilation. It is for reference only and is not needed. In versions
after 1.18, this file may or may not be generated.
This file contains information required by Test Manager (see SIMPL
Windows help for more information) for debugging programs in real-
time. It is generated each time the program is compiled.