The most basic command that can be sent to the cannon is a Movement Command. This
command is sent by filling a buffer with values which specify the movement which is to be
triggered, and then send the command to the cannon. The structure of the PLC buffer for the
movement command is shown here below. This buffer is designed to be sent to the gateway,
where it will be converted into an 8 byte CAN message and sent to the cannon. Note that PLC
Big Endian 16 bit integers are translated to CAN Little Endian 8 bits registers, so that when the
data is sent, the first 8 bit field sent will be the 8 bit Jog Command Field.
Figure 3-4.1 PLC view of command buffer in 16 bits words
Currently, there are only two valid entries into the Cannon Command Field, Either:
Jog Mode
Goto Mode