GSM teknik
Page 5
4.3 Device light description
Red light
Yellow light
GSM signal
GPS signal
the three lights must be stable lighting represents device can work normally. Device
will turn into sleep mode with lights off after around 5 minutes, it will wake up if make a call
to device number.
5. Wires connection
1. Red wire connects to vehicle power anode
2. Black wire connects to vehicle power cathode
3. Yellow wire connects to oil or circuit control wires
4. Green wire connects to ACC wire
Note: Device must connect to ACC wire
6. Device Parameter Settings
6.1 Initialization
Send SMS
” to the tracker, it will reply “begin ok” and initialize all the settings.
(Default password: 123456). Remark: initialization is resetting all the parameters to factory
For example, send SMS “#begin#”, If succeeded, it will reply “begin ok”.
6.2 Set password
6.2.1 Set Password: Send SMS:
#password#old password#new password#
” to the
unit to change the password.
For Example, send SMS:
“#password#123456#666888#” to device, it will reply SMS:
“password OK”.
6.2.2 Make sure the new password is in 6 digits arabic numbers, or the device cannot
recognize the password.
6.2.3 Resume original password: send SMS:
“#resume#” to the device, it will reply SMS:
“resume password, password is 123456”.
6.3 Authorization
6.3.1 Set authorization: send SMS
#admin#password#cell phone number#
” to set up
authorized number, device will reply
“admin ok”.
6.3.3 Delete authorization send SMS
#noadmin#password#authorized number#
delete the authorized number, device will reply
“no admin ok”.