Service Information
ID data circuits
Upon power-up, card identif cation information from each
card is read by the mainframe. This ID data includes such
information as card ID, hardware settling time, and relay
conf guration information.
ID data is contained within an on-card EEPROM (U107). In
order to read this information, the sequence described below
is performed on power-up.
1. The IDDATA line (pin 5 of U107) is set from high to low
while the IDCLK line (pin 6 of U107) is held high. This
action initiates a start command to the ROM to transmit
data serially to the mainframe (Figure 5-7).
Figure 5-7
Start and stop sequences
2. The mainframe sends the ROM address location to be
read over the IDDATA line. The ROM then transmits an
acknowledge signal back to the mainframe, and it then
transmits data at that location back to the mainframe
(Figure 5-8).
3. The mainframe then transmits an acknowledge signal,
indicating that it requires more data. The ROM will then
sequentially transmit data after each acknowledge sig-
nal it receives.
4. Once all data is received, the mainframe sends a stop
command, which is a low-to-high transition of the
IDDATA line with the IDCLK line held high
(Figure 5-7).
Relay control
Card relays are controlled by serial data transmitted via the
relay DATA line. A total of f ve bytes for each card are
shifted in serial fashion into latches located in the card relay
driver ICs. The serial data is clocked in by the CLK line. As
data overf ows one register, it is fed out the Q’s line of the
register down the chain.
Once all f ve bytes have shifted into the card, the STROBE
line is set high to latch the relay information into the Q out-
puts of the relay drivers, and the appropriate relays are ener-
gized (assuming the driver outputs are enabled, as discussed
below). Note that a relay driver output goes low to energize
the corresponding relay.
Relay power control
A relay power control circuit, made up of Q101, Q102,
U106, U108, and associated components, keeps power dissi-
pated in relay coils at a minimum, thus reducing possible
problems caused by thermal EMFs.
During steady-state operation, the relay supply voltage, +V,
is regulated to +3.5V to minimize coil power dissipation.
When a relay is f rst closed, the STROBE pulse applied to
U106 changes the parameters of the relay supply voltage reg-
ulator, Q101, allowing the relay supply voltage, +V, to rise to
+5.7V for about 100msec. This brief voltage rise ensures that
relays close as quickly as possible. After the 100msec period
has elapsed, the relay supply voltage (+V) drops back down
to its nominal steady-state value of +3.5V.
Figure 5-8
Transmit and acknowledge sequence
Start Bit
Stop Bit
(Data output
from mainframe
or ROM)
(Data output
from mainframe
or ROM)