Measurement (SEQuence3: ACQuire)
PCR-M/PCR-LE/PCR-LE2 has five different trigger subsystems -TRANsient, SYNChronize,
ACQuire, SIMulation, and PROGram. These features are mapped to SEQuence1 to
SEQuence5 respectively, as the SCPI specification generally categorizes each trigger
subsystem as a numbered Trigger Sequence.
The SEQuence3 (ACQuire) group is the measurement trigger subsystem. This subsystem is
used to measure values such as voltage, current, and power.
There are easy measurements and advanced measurements.
Easy Measurement
The PCR-M/ PCR-LE/PCR-LE2 has the capability to return voltage, current, and power
measurement values. The easiest way is use the MEASure commands.
The MEASure commands immediately start a new measurement. This is the easiest way to
make measurements, however simultaneity for multi-item measurements are lost, because
each MEASure command starts a new measurement. To avoid this, consider the advanced
measurement approach that is described later in this manual, allowing separate control for
measurement initiation and data query.
Voltage/Current Measurement
In AC mode, use the AC measurement queries.
'Queries AC voltage in volts-rms
'Queries AC current in amps-rms
In DC mode, use the DC measurement queries.
The current measurement function also has the following additional items:
'Queries peak current (the held
The MEASure:CURRent:AMPLitude:MAXimum:HOLD command queries the maximum peak
current since the PCR-M/ PCR-LE/PCR-LE2 was turned on or since it was explicitly cleared.
To clear the peak current (held value), use the SENSe:CURRent:PEAK:CLEar command.
default, the peak current (held value) is not cleared.
Available measurement items vary depending on the selected output mode. For example,
DC measurement cannot be performed while AC mode is selected.
Peak current measurement and peak hold measurement can be performed in either AC or
DC output mode.
Normally, it takes approximately 330 ms on the PCR-M and approximately 110 ms on the
PCR-LE/PCR-LE2 to complete a single measurement. This means that sending MEASure
queries multiple times requires long data acquisition time. If you want to acquire multiple
items, it is recommended that you use the advanced approach described later.
The PCR-M/ PCR-LE/PCR-LE2 supports READ commands that also initiate a new
measurement and data query, however, READ and MEASure operate exactly the same, as
they are aliases.
Power Measurement
In AC mode, use the AC measurement queries.
'Queries AC real power in watts
'Queries AC apparent power in volt-amps
'Queries AC reactive power in volt-amps-
'Queries AC power factor
Installing the VISA library
Interface Setup
Overview of Command
Default settings
Command (function
IEEE488.2 Common Commands
Output Setting
Protection and Clearing Alarms
Triggered Control of Output
Output On/Off Phase Control
Measured Value Queries
System Configuration
Command (ABC search)
Command (Sub-system
MEASure and FETCh
IEEE488.2 Common Commands
Other Commands
Register structure
A List of Errors
Processing time of main
Programming AC Output
Programming DC Output
Triggering Output Change
Output-on Phase Control
Waiting for Operation Complete
Panel display
Status Monitoring
Error Checking
Visual Basic 2008
AC Power Supply PCR-M series
Communication Interface Manual
PCR-M series Communication Interface Manual