MAX Command Reference Guide
FXS Configuration Commands
10.5. CHANGE
This command sets up the FXS parameters. For detailed example, execute “change” from the
:/CONFIG/FXS>” prompt.
:/CONFIG/FXS> change
Change Command Usage
change <parameter> <value>
parameter ; ron
- ring cadence on time
; roff
- ring cadence off time
; rfreq
- ring frequency
; pola
- polarity reversion send (use to charge)
; vgain
- Voice Output Gain
; igain
- PCM Input Gain
; dtype
- sending dial tone type
; cid
- caller id send on or off
; t1 - off hook guard time (to off-hook detect)
; t2 - on hook guard time (to on-hook detect)
; t3 - hook flash guard time (to hook-flsh detect)
; t4 - wait first DTMF from phone time out
; t5 - wait second DTMF from phone time out
; t6 - wait on-hook from phone time out (relase tone send)
; t7 - wait connection from network time out (ringback
; ron,roff - 1 ~ 4 sec
; rfreq
- 20 ~ 30 Hz
; pola
- on|off
; vgain,igain
- -31 ~ 31 (dBm)
; dtype
- cont(continuous)|dcont(discontinuous)