1051_2_Product_Manual - May 5, 2010 4:34 PM
Programming Manual
Phidget Programming Manual
documents the Phidgets software programming model in a language and device
unspecific way, providing a general overview of the Phidgets API as a whole. You can find the manual at
>> Programming.
Getting Started Guides
We have written Getting Started Guides for most of the languages that we support. If the manual exists for the
language you want to use, this is the first manual you want to read. The Guides can be found at
and are listed under the appropriate language.
API Guides
We maintain API references for COM (Windows), C (Windows/Mac OSX/Linux), Action Script, .Net and Java. These
references document the API calls that are common to all Phidgets. These API References can be found under
and are listed under the appropriate language. To look at the API calls for a specific
Phidget, check its Product Manual.
Code Samples
We have written sample programs to illustrate how the APIs are used.
Due to the large number of languages and devices we support, we cannot provide examples in every language for
every Phidget. Some of the examples are very minimal, and other examples will have a full-featured GUI allowing
all the functionality of the device to be explored. Most developers start by modifying existing examples until they
have an understanding of the architecture.
Go to
>> Programming
to see if there are code samples written for your device. Find the
language you want to use and click on the magnifying glass besides “Code Sample”. You will get a list of all the
devices for which we wrote code samples in that language.
API for the PhidgetTemperatureSensor 1-Input
We document API Calls specific to this product in this section. Functions common to all Phidgets and functions not
applicable to this device are not covered here. This section is deliberately generic. For calling conventions under a
specific language, refer to the associated API manual. For exact values, refer to the device specifications.
int TemperatureInputCount () [get] : Constant
Returns the number of thermocouples that can be read by this PhidgetTemperatureSensor.
double Temperature (int ProbeIndex) [get] : Celsius
Returns the temperature of a thermocouple. This value is returned in degrees Celsius but can easily be converted
into other units. This value will always be between TemperatureMin and TemperatureMax. Please refer to the device
specifications for noise and accuracy details.
double TemperatureMax (int ProbeIndex) [get] : Constant, Celsius
Returns the maximum temperature that can be returned by a thermocouple input. This value depends on the
thermocouple type.
double TemperatureMin (int ProbeIndex) [get] : Constant, Celsius
Returns the minimum temperature that can be returned by a thermocouple input. This value depends on the
thermocouple type.