speed is 110Km/h and exit over speed delay time is 2 sec.
If vehicle speed over threshold speed 20seconds, system will send speed over report once
interval 20 sec until exit speed over delay time 2 sec, the over speed report will stop to send.
If alert when over speed has configured, then it will alert when speed over.
(6) Low battery warning report (to alert user when the external battery level is low)
Parameters: warning battery level for report and report send in time or send by local
network or ignore.
For example, 50 to represent 50% lower level report.
The system will ignore the parameter with a value ‘0’ to prevent continuous non-stop
(7) Keep
Parameters: On/Off, and interval / retry times. In order to keep connection in GPRS
network, the unit can be set to send short keep alive report to the server in order to prevent
the disconnection from the mobile service provider.
Send reports after a successful keep alive ACK. Parameters: On/Off .
If you select this function, all the reports will only be sent out after a successful keep alive
ACK. (So if your keep alive time is shorter then select this function will be OK.) This
function is very useful while using UDP to prevent report lost.
Send a keep alive packet right before a due reports if no data stream within certain time:
Parameters: On/Off, and idle time.
Some GSM provider might cut connection, if there is no data within certain time. It might
result report lost in this “fake connection” duration. For example, you can set parameters in
this region, ex 20 mins. (it means if the unit did not send any data in this 20 mins (including
keep alive or normal reports) ), then it will send a keep alive packet to check if the GPRS
connection is valid or not. If not, it will actively reconnect to GPRS network.