Raveon Technologies Corp.
Company Confidential, 04/2013
5.1.4 End of Message
The <RS> character is interpreted as the end of the message. If a message is coming
into the MDT, and it pauses for more than 20mS, then the
will assume the
message has ended.
5.2 Status Button Messaging
If using a modem with WMX mode enabled, WMX will use a control byte (0x44) to
transmit status to the radio. The command SETBITS will be used to specify the bit pattern
of all the status bits in the form of:
XXXX is the bit representation of all status bits.
[cr] is a character return
0-3: External Digital Input Bits From MDT
4-7: Digital Output Bits From MDT
8-15: Status Bits 1-8 of MDT
Inputs and Outputs
5.3 Text message Format
All text entering the
will be displayed as a message on the text display of
the MDT. To put the phrase
Hello World
onto the display, simply send the phrase
Hello World
to the display using a radio modem or its RS232 serial port.
However, the
has many additional advance features that you may utilize if
you properly format the text to put on the display.
Commented [D1]:
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