Raveon Technologies Corp.
Once you set the “GPS Mode” of the radio using the GPS X command, you can
change the NMEAMASK parameter to modify with of the NMEA sentences will
come out the serial port.
For example, to have only the RMC sentence come out the serial port, use the
following command”
To have the GGA and GLL come out the serial port use this command:
The NMEAMASK parameter is the sum of all of the decimal values of the
individual bits corresponding to the NMEA messages.
9. Debug Related Commands
Bench Testing
(Must be in command mode to test. Enter +++ at the keyboard to put unit into config/test mode.)
Various transmit test routines.
0 = Go back to normal mode. Stops the test.
1 = Random data transmit.
2 = Hop up/down one channel
3 = Force PLL to fast lock mode
4 = Transmit all 0s
5 = Transmit all 1s
6 = Enable the test points on the PCB.
7 = Transmit CW on center of channel
8 = Transmit preamble (101010 pattern)
Display an overview of the configuration.
Ping xxxx
Ping another modem over the air. Transmits a request to xxxx to see if
xxxx can hear the sending station. If it does, it answers with a response
transmission, containing its ID and the signal strength of the reception. .
Display statistics of how the modem is working.