limit is from the minimum to maximum value (including the minimum and maximum
value), the unit is character. If the length of Code 39 is out of the limit, the scanner will
not be able to read or transmit the code.
Read “Minimum Length” to set the minimum length of code.
Read “Maximum Length” to set maximum length of code.
Code 39 Maximum Length Code 39 Minimum Length
The maximum length value of any type of 1D code is not more than 255. If the
maximum length is shorter than the minimum length, the scanner can only read this
two length of code; if the maximum length is equal to minimum length, the scanner can
only read the code of this length.
This length is the length of the code itself, not including prefix/suffix, tailed suffix,
Return to Default
After read this setting, the parameters of Codabar will be returned to factory
Return Codabar to Default
Enable/Disable Codabar
Enable Codabar Disable Codabar