DriverMan is a Windows CE device driver created by Socket to provide services and functionality for
managing one or more drivers associated with an expansion card. DriverMan exists as a dynamically loaded
library (DLL) named DriverMan.dll. DriverMan expands upon and improves the device driver model provided
by the Windows CE OS. It supports more loading and unloading options as well as providing more
debugging and error-handling capabilities than the built-in device.exe process.
One of the key benefits of DriverMan is that it loads and unloads drivers in a specified, synchronous order,
and it also enables confirmation of initialization for sequencing the loading of drivers that need additional
time to initialize using multiple threads. Overall it allows the SocketScan initialization/de-initialization to be
far more robust in providing controlled startup and shutdown. DriverMan is required for all Windows CE
scanner drivers and is included in the Drivers directory of the SDK.
April 8, 2010
Page 78
Document#: 6410-00147 K
Revision 2.28