Lisa LCD
In addition to the periodic log messages, the Lisa also sends log messages when the device goes into a
certain state, e.g. when the playlist update is started etc. For a large part the log message is the same
as a
. However, the information on stream stability is left out and an extra message
is added to describe the event or state change. Currently the following messages have been
Extra information/comments
Schedule updated - <INFO>
The schedule update was
completed successfully. See
below for <INFO>.
Schedule updated, but issue(s)
occurred - <INFO>
Non fatal issues occurred, e.g. a
task has execution time in the
past, or a task is incomplete (i.e.,
platform did not generate the task
according to requirements)
Schedule update failed with error
Schedule update failed, see
<scheduled_task> task started
Scheduler executes a task
Play playlist (<playlist_id>) task
Play station (<station_id>) task
Power (1) task started
<scheduled_task> task failed
Scheduler fails to execute a task.
Bad task, wrong task parameters,
no card when required etc.
Play playlist
Play station
Cleanup card
Erase card
Erase playlists
Failed to execute
<scheduled_task> task - card
usage not allowed
A card-related task cannot be
executed on a Lisa Basic edition,
or the Lisa is not yet activated
Running task was interrupted
The running task (e.g. up) is
interrupted from another
scheduled task
Playlist update was interrupted. In
upcoming release could apply to
other tasks as well.