f the ONT not online, the “Run state” is “offline”, it may be a physical line break, or optical
module is damaged, so we need to check all device and the physical line.
If the ONT “config state” is “failed”, it means ONT’s configuration is not applicable to some
configuration of srvprofile, we need to capture packet on the ONT and analyze ont not accept
which configuration.
If the ONT “Match state” is “Mismatch”, it shows that ont srvprofile capability(port number)
don't Match ONT practical capability, we can use
show ont capability
show ont config -
capability to
contrast ONT practical ability and ont srvprofile capability.
Configure Bridge ONT
5.7.1 Configure Bridge ONT (SFU) Internet Service
premise condition of ONT to open internet service:
OLT connect to uplink device and open internet service
OLT have created vlan for internet
OLT have configured GE port vlan
ONT have registered and bind to lineprofile and srvprofile
SFU ethernet port vlan mode have transparent, tag(access),trunk mode and so on, we can configure
vlan in srvprofile mode or discrete mode. profile config is introduced as follows we can according
to our network plan configure different vlan mode, configure way as follows:
Config traffic profile
traffic-profile profile-id 1 profile-name 10M cir 10240 pir 10240 cbs 2000 pbs
Config ONT port to tag mode(access)
interface gpon 0/0
ont port native-vlan 1 1 eth 1 vlan 100
Config service port
service-port 3 vlan 100 gpon 0/0 port 1 ont 1 gemport 2 multi-service user-vlan
100 tag-action transparent inbound name 10M outbound name 10M
5.7.2 Configure Bridge ONT (SFU) IPTV Service
Premise condition of ONT to open internet service:
OLT connect to uplink device and open internet service
OLT have created vlan for IPTV
OLT have configured GE port IPTV vlan
ONT have registered and bind to lineprofile and srvprofile
we can configure SFU IPTV service in srvprofile mode or discrete mode(note
if we configure ont