Mapping to Absolute MIDI Controllers
Absolute MIDI controllers send messages to Live in the form of absolute values ranging
from 0 to 127. These values lead to different results depending on the type of Live control
to which they are assigned. A value message of 127, for example, might turn the Volume
control on a Live track all the way up or play a Session View clip. Speci cally, MIDI controller
messages from 0 to 127 can produce the following effects on controls in Live:
Session View Slots
Controller values 64 and above are treated like Note On messages.
Controller values 63 and below are treated like Note Off messages.
For track activators and on/off buttons in devices, controller values that are
within the mapping's Min and Max range turn the switch on. Controller values that are
above or below this range turn it off. You can reverse this behavior by setting a Min
value that is
than its corresponding Max value. In this case, controller values
that are outside of the range turn the switch on, while values inside the range turn it
off. For all other switches (such as transport controls), controller values 64 and above
turn the switch on, while controller values below 64 turn it off.
Radio Buttons
The controller's 0...127 value range is mapped onto the range of
available options.
Continuous Controls
The controller's 0...127 value range is mapped onto the param-
eter's range of values.
Live also supports pitch bend messages and high-precision ( 14-bit Absolute ) controller
messages with a 0...16383 value range. The above speci cations apply to these as well,
except that the value range's center is at 8191/8192.
Mapping to Relative MIDI Controllers
Some MIDI controllers can send value increment and value decrement messages instead
of absolute values. These controls prevent parameter jumps when the state of a control in
Live and the corresponding control on the hardware MIDI controller differ. For example,
imagine that you have assigned the pan knob on your control surface to the pan parameter
of a track in Live. If the hardware control is panned hard right, and the Live control is panned
hard left, a slight movement in a hardware pan knob that sends absolute values would tell