List of Figures
“Session” means a window in a single terminal with an SSH connection to a NeuronBot.
Session 0:
Source the environment.
source /opt/ros/<YOUR_ROS2_DISTRO>/setup.bash
5. Start the talker.
After starting the talker on NeuronBot, it will publish “hello world” messages continuously.
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
You should see messages similar to those in Session 0:
6. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to create a new terminal on the host computer
You can also press Ctrl+Shift+T to create a new terminal tab.
Terminal 2:
Source the environment.
source /opt/ros/<YOUR_ROS2_DISTRO>/setup.bash
8. Run the listener.
The listener will run on the computer and subscribe to messages from the talker.
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener
You should see messages similar to those in Terminal 2:
If the listener successfully subscribed to the messages, then the remote control parameters have been successfully
set for ROS 2.