Configurable I/O Application Functions
Freewheel stop
Stops the motor by the resistive torque only. The motor power supply is cut.
Freewheel stop occurs when the logic input assigned to this function opens (state 0).
DC injection stop
This can be activated in 2 ways :
- by activation of a logic input assigned to this function (state 1)
- automatically if the frequency is below 0.5 Hz
Fast stop :
Braked stop with the current deceleration ramp time divided by 4 within the limits of the braking
Fast stop occurs when the logic input assigned to this function opens (state 0).
Fault reset :
Clears the memorized fault and resets the speed controller if the cause of the fault has disappeared,
except for OCF (overcurrent), SCF (motor short-circuit), EEF and InF (internal faults) faults, which
require the controller to be powered down.
The fault is cleared when the logic input assigned to this function changes from 0 to 1.
Forced local mode when using the serial link :
Changes from line control mode (serial link) to local mode (control via the terminal block).