ENS22-E AT Command Set
1.6 Supported character sets
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Case 7
In the range from 0 to 32 in character table of GSM 7 bit default alphabet (Below hexadecimal 0x20), "@" and
"$" are the only two which are supported by normal escape.
The other characters will be displayed by "\" and two IRA characters.
For example, a UCS2 character "00A3" escape as a GSM character "\01", while a UCS2 character "00A5"
escape as a GSM character "\03"
Invalid UCS2 values must be prevented.
Case 8
The first two characters have to be '00' because 4 IRA characters are converted into two 8-bit values. If this is
not the case, conversion is not supported.
Number of IRA characters must be a multiple of four. Problems:
• "03A6"
Error, not support
• "039E"
Error, not support
Invalid UCS2 values must be prevented.
Case 9
Quotation mark (") and the escape character itself (\, respectively Ö in GSM alphabet) regard as illegal character.
• "\"
Error, invalid characters in text string
• """
Error, invalid characters in text string
The character "\" in front of the escape character itself indicates that it needs to be transferred. That means "\\"
can be transformed into an UCS2 character "00D6".
The character (") can be represented by "\22" as a GSM character. That means "\22" can be transformed into an
UCS2 character "0022".
Invalid UCS2 values must be prevented.
Case 10
Extension character table of GSM 7 bit default alphabet starting with "1B" can be correctly interpreted. Extension
character table of UCS2 value can be displayed by escape sequences.
The character "^" with GSM alphabet value "1B14" can be transformed into an UCS2 character "005E".
But "005E" with UCS2 value will transformed into a GSM value "\1B\14".