Programmable 8-button IP Keypad Wall Plate
© Copyright 2018 Hall Research, Inc.
Macro 1: Sequentially light, all buttons RED @ 100% on the keypad.
Macro 2: Sequentially light, all buttons Blue @ 100% on the keypad.
Macro 3: Turn off all the red LEDs (set brightness to 0%).
Macro 4: Turn off all the blue LEDs (set brightness to 0%).
Macro 5: Toggle LED demo mode (used to turn on and off Demo Mode).
Macro 6: First, set all LEDs blue with 10% brightness. Then set all LEDs blue to 0%
brightness. Then close the relay contact. Then open the relay with a delay of 1
second between commands.
The “Background Light” slider adjusts the maximum brightness settings for ALL the LEDs.
For example if the slider is midway, a command that sets brightness
to 100% will shine at 50%.
When the mouse hovers over a button, a tooltip displays with the
assigned macro command.
Click on
symbol on the button to edit the currently assigned macro.
Macro edit window for the selected button
The text field at the top window there allows the user to edit the macro name.
up/down arrows buttons allow the user to change the commands order of
icon allows you to edit the delay time and the command interface type.
icon will DELETE the command. Use with caution.
icon both inserts and adds a new command ABOVE the current row.
To add a command at the end of the list, click the add button