In some instances, it may be appropriate to use hexadecimal numbers to set DMX channel values (such as
when setting levels for moving lights, matching colors or adjusting a level more precisely than percentage
levels allow).
Hexadecimal numbers use digits 0 through 9 and A through F and values from 00 to FF to specify the
complete range from zero to full.
To use hexadecimal numbers while specifying levels, use a dollar sign
the level. For example,
Channel 1 At $A5
Hexadecimal numbers may be used in arrays, such as
Group 1 At {$FF, $C0, $86}
. Note that when
specifying hexadecimal numbers to CueServer, always use 2 digits. For example, use $00, $01, $02, not $0,
$1, $2, for the single-digit hexadecimal values.
Binary (On/Off)
Some devices being controlled by CueServer only have two states, on and off. In order to simplify their
operation, the CueScript language has two extra values named
. These are used as a
convenience to mean the same as 0% and 100%.
Any place that a percentage value can be used in a command, the
keywords can be used
instead. For example,
Channel 1 On
Button 2 Off
Group 3 On
Output * On
are all valid binary-
value commands.
Interactive Technologies, Inc.
CueServer 2 User's Manual - 18.5.18
Page 143 of 429