2.4 Using the Demo
1. In the terminal window, you should see the text below, where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is replaced with the STM32 IP address
WF200 init successful
IP address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
2. You can now use the webserver or the Iperf TCP server embedded in the STM32.
3. In a web browser, enter the displayed IP address. You should see the webpage below.
Figure 2.7. Webpage Hosted by the STM32
The webpage can be used to drive the two LEDs onboard the NUCLEO board.
4. The setup supports also Iperf TCP test. Use a PC with Iperf installed as a client to start an Iperf test with the command “iperf -c
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx” (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx being the address displayed by the terminal at boot). You should see a result like the one dis-
played on the Figure below. The test takes 10 seconds by default.
Figure 2.8. Iperf TCP Test Results
QSG166: WF200 Wi-Fi Development Kit Quick Start Guide
Getting Started with STM32 MCU, with FreeRTOS, and LwIP
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 0.4 | 12