Confidential BTP-R880NP Programming Manual
- 52 -
7B, 41
123, 65
7B, 42
123, 66
7B, 43
123, 67
7B, 31
123, 49
7B, 32
123, 50
7B, 33
123, 51
7B, 34
123, 52
7B, 7B
123, 123
Example data for printing "No. 123456"
In this example, the printer first prints "No." using CODE B, then prints the
following numbers using CODE C.
GS k
73 10 123 66 78 111 46 123 67 12 34 56
If the top of the barcode data is not the code set selection character, the printer stops
command processing and ignore the following data.
· If combination of "{" and the following character does not apply any special character,
the printer stops command processing and ignore the following data.
· If the printer receives characters that cannot be used in the special code set, the printer
stops command processing and ignore the following data.
· The printer does not print HRI characters that correspond to the shift characters or code
set selection characters.
· HRI character for the function character are not printed.
· HRI characters for the control character (<00>H to <1F>H and <7F>H) are not printed.
GS H, GS f, GS h, GS w, Appendix A
Initialize printer
4A 41 4E 31 33
1D 48 01
Set the width of the barcode unit 1
1D 66 01
HRI character use condensed character
1D 77 01
HRI character print above the barcode
1D 68 40
Barcode height is 64/203 inch
1D 6B 02 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 35 39 00 0A
1D 48 02
Set the width of the barcode unit 2
1D 66 01
HRI character use condensed character
1D 77 02
HRI character print under the barcode
1D 68 80
Barcode height is 128/203 inch
1D 6B 02 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 35 39 00 0A
1D 48 03
Set the width of the barcode unit 3
1D 66 00
HRI character use standard character
1D 77 03
HRI character print both above and under the barcode