Command-Line Mode (for Advanced Users and Integrators)
The SS-VIS supports command-line operation for easy integration into
Electronic Medical Records and customized applications for
Either via DOS Batch File, Windows Batch File, Run Command, or
VB/Visual C+ Shell Command:
[Path of SSVISDR.exe executable] [File Path/File Name Argument]
Example: c:\SSVISDR.exe “k:\dictation\dr smith\SMITH0000321323-
January 31-2005-1207PM” will cause the SS-VIS Digital Recording
Program to launch a single instance of itself (if not already launched)
and then create and load a “New” dictation in the default format
(example: MP3).
In above example, after the calling application issues the command, the
User just clicks “
on the handset to begin a recording session that
will be subsequently saved when he hits the
button to this path:
k:\dictation\dr smith\SMITH0000321323-January 31-2005-
Subsequent command line commands will keep the single-instance
window opened for new recordings.
Re-dictation Command Line Mode
Users can re-open an existing dictation for editing, via command line.
Operation is the same as described. User must include the full path and
file name, including extension. The HTH VIS will open itself (if not
already launched) and load the file for re-dictation/editing.
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