Electronic Devices S.r.l.
User Manual
M-Bus / M-Bus Wireless / MQTT
Document code: MN67931_ENG Revision 1.200 Page 41 of 49
In the section “Set Communication” of the SW67931, if “Standard Mode” is selected, it is possible to define a Template string for the MQTT
messages. The template is necessary in order to define the structure of the payload of the MQTT message and the info contained.
It is possible to have a simple text format or a JSON format.
The definition of the template can be done using Key words, used to link a specific information of the M-Bus node/variables. The key words
used and their meanings are:
PRIMARY: Primary Address of the M-Bus of the meter
SECONDARY: Secondary Address of the M-Bus meter
DESC: description for the M-Bus meter (defined in the section “M-Bus”)
NODE_STATE: Node State of the M-Bus meter
ACCESS_NUMBER: Access number of the M-Bus meter (number of polling received)
RSSI: power of M-Bus Wireless signal (only for M-Bus Wireless meters)
VALUE: value of the M-Bus variable
UNIT1: type of M-Bus variable
UNIT2: type of M-Bus variable, if VIFE code is present
DIF: DIF code of the variable (Hex)
DIFE: DIFE code of the variable (Hex)
VIF: VIF code of the variable (Hex)
VIFE: VIFE code of the variable (Hex)
DATA: data of the variable (Hex)
TIME: date and time of the M-Bus reading
The key words must be defined between “$” chars in order to be recognized (Ex.: $DATA$).