SA-250 Server Installation Guide
Restore the Database on an AirTight Server
If you have taken a backup of the AirTight server database, you can restore the AirTight server to a last known
working state, in the case of a server failure. The database restore is agnostic of the database backup type. A
database restore removes all the existing data and files and then copies the data and files from a database
backup on to database, so as to configure the database to the last known working state captured in the backup
1. Log in to the server CLI.
2. Type the config shell CLI command
db restore
A CLI-based wizard is initiated enabling you to configure the database backup options.
3. Select the transfer protocol and provide the details of the remote server on which the database backup
file is stored.
Transfer protocol/ backup
The available options are:
SCP - Type S for using the SCP protocol.
SFTP - Type T for using the SFTP protocol.
FTP - Type F for using the FTP protocol.
Remote Server IP address/DNS
IPv4 or IPv6 address or FQDN for the remote server. Ensure
that the server is reachable over the network.
Remote Server Password
Password for the specified user account login.
Remote Server Destination
Absolute path of the destination directory on the SCP server
where you want to take the backup.
Remote Server Destination
Absolute path of the directory on the remote server where the
database backup file is stored.
4. Type Y to confirm the information provided for the database restore.
The server initiates the restoration of the database.
If you restore a configuration-only backup, then all other data and files that are not part of the
backup will be lost from the database.