Appendix Title
' Store the sent message to a datatable
CallTable SMSSent
' === PROGRAM START ===================================================================
' Set a default value for the SMS number (this can be changed in the
' Connect screen in LoggerNet)
SMS_PhNo = "0412345678"
' === MAIN SCAN =======================================================================
Scan (15,Sec,0,0)
'Measure the panel temperature
PanelTemp (P_Temp,_50Hz)
'Measure the battery voltage
Battery (Batt_Volt)
'Measure the thermocouple
TCDiff (AirTemp_TC,1,mV2_5C,1,TypeT,P_Temp,True ,0,_50Hz,1.0,0)
'If the temperature is above 30 degrees, then send the SMS
If AirTemp_TC > 30 Then
'Create message to be sent
SMS_Msg = "Temperature is"+CHR(32)+AirCHR(32)+"Degrees Celsius
'Send SMS message
Call SMSSend
'Call data table to store data
CallTable TenMin
Advanced Communications
Our CR6, CR800, CR1000 and CR3000 data loggers are capable of TCP/IP
communications including email, FTP and more by utilising Point-to Point
Protocol (PPP) to send IP packets through the Intelimax over a serial link.
Use of these options requires custom data logger programs and configuration
and is beyond the scope of this manual. If you are interested in IP
communications or if you wish to learn more about telemetry options and their
use, contact Campbell Scientific Australia for information and a quote on our
Communications training course, held in Townsville and Sydney once per the
For more information including costs and course schedules, see
Campbell Scientific Australia’s modem kits are designed to for ease of use and
simplicity. Even so, there are sometimes issues when installing, especially for
the first time.