® 8k/4k CL Color
e2v semiconductors SAS 2014
Serial Protocol and Command Format
The Camera Link interface provides two LVDS signal pairs for communication between the camera and
the frame grabber. This is an asynchronous serial communication based on RS-232 protocol.
The serial line configuration is:
Full duplex/without handshaking
9600 bauds (default), 8-bit data, no parity bit, 1 stop bit. The baud rate can be set up to 115200
Internal camera configurations are activated by write or readout commands.
The command syntax for write operation is:
w <command_name> <command_parameters><CR>
The command syntax for readout operation is:
r <command_name><CR>
Command Processing
Each command received by the camera is processed:
The setting is implemented (if valid)
The camera returns “>”<return code><CR>
The camera return code has to be received before sending a new command.
The camera return code has to be received before sending a new command. Some commands are longer
than the others : Waiting for the return code ensure a good treatment of all the commands
Without saturating the buffer of the camera
Table 5-1. Camera Returned Code
Returned code
(or “>OK”) : All right, the command will be implemented
Error Bad CRC (for write command only)
Invalid Command ID (Command not recognized or doesn't exist)
Invalid Access (the receipt of the last command has failed).
Parameter out of range (the parameter of the last command sent is out of range).
Access Failure (bad communication between two internal devices).
GenICam ready
The CameraLink Standard is not yet compliant with GenICam Standard, but as much as possible, each command of the
will have its correspondence with the Standard Feature Naming Convention of the GenIcam Standard.
This correspondence is given in parenthesis for each feature/command as the following example :
Vendor name (
) : “e2v”