C O N F I G U R I N G T H E A C 4 8 6 8 - 2 5 0
2 2
E n t e r A T C o m m a n d M o d e
Prior to sending this command, the OEM Host must ensure that the
transceiver’s RF transmit buffer is empty. If the buffer is not empty, the
radio will interpret the command as data and it will be sent over the RF.
This can be accomplished by waiting up to one second between the
last packet and the AT command. RF packet size must be set to
minimum of 6 in order to send this command.
Command: 0x41 0x54 0x2B 0x2B 0x2B 0x0D
Number of Bytes Returned: 4
Response: 0xCC 0x43 0x4F 0x4D
E x i t A T C o m m a n d M o d e
The OEM Host should send this command to exit AT Command mode
and resume normal operation.
Command: 0xCC 0x41 0x54 0x4F 0x0D
Number of Bytes Returned: 4
Response: 0xCC 0x44 0x41 0x54
S t a t u s R e q u e s t
The OEM Host issues this command to request the status of the
Command: 0xCC 0x00 0x00
Number of Bytes Returned: 3
Response: 0xCC Version Data1
Parameter Range: Data1 = 0x00 for Server, 0x01 for Client in
Range, 0x03 for Client out of Range
C h a n g e S e r v e r / C l i e n t
The OEM Host issues this command to change the mode of the
transceiver from Server to Client and vice versa.
Command: 0xCC 0x03 Data1
Number of Bytes Returned: 3
Response: 0xCC Firmware Version Data1
Parameter Range: Data1 = 0x00 for Server, 0x03 for Client
S l e e p W a l k P o w e r - D o w n
After the Host issues this command, the transceiver will de-assert its
In_Range line after entering power down. A Client in power down will
remain in sync with a Server for a minimum of 2 minutes. To maintain
synchronization with the Server, the Client should re-sync at least once
every 2 minutes. This is done by sending the Power Down wake up
command and waiting for the In_Range line to go active. Once this
occurs, the Client is in sync with the server and can be put back into
power-down mode.
This command is valid only for Client transceivers.
Command: 0xCC 0x06
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: 0xCC Channel
S l e e p W a l k P o w e r - D o w n W a k e U p
The OEM Host issues this command to bring the transceiver out of
Power Down mode.
Command: 0xCC 0x07
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: 0xCC Channel
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