C O N F I G U R I N G T H E A C 4 8 6 8 - 2 5 0
2 4
W r i t e D i g i t a l O u t p u t s
The OEM Host issues this command to write both digital output lines to
particular states.
Note: This command should only be used when Protocol Status (0xC2)
is not set to 0xE3.
Command: 0xCC 0x23 Data1
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: 0xCC Data1
Parameter Range: Data1 = bit-0: GO0, bit-1: GO1
W r i t e D A C
The OEM Host issues this command to write DA_Out to a particular
voltage. The transceiver uses a PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) to
generate the analog voltage. The theory behind a PWM is that a binary
pulse is generated with a fixed duty cycle and rate. As such, this pin
toggles between High & Low. This signal is filtered via an on-board R-C
circuit and an analog voltage is generated. Duty cycle specifies the ratio
of time in one cycle that the pulse spends High proportionate to the
amount of time it spends Low. So, with a duty cycle of 50% (0x80), the
pulse is High 50% of the time and Low 50% of the time; therefore the
analog voltage would be half of 3.3V or 1.15V. A broad filter has been
implemented on the transceiver and there is no advantage to using a
slower update period. Generally, a faster update period is preferred.
Command: 0xCC 0x24 Data1 Data2
Number of Bytes Returned: 3
Response: 0xCC Data1 Data2
Parameter Range: Data1 = Update Period; Data2 = Duty
S e t M a x P o w e r
The OEM Host issues this command to limit the maximum transmit
power emitted by the transceiver. This can be useful to minimize current
consumption and satisfy certain regulatory requirements. The radios
are shipped at maximum allowable power.
Command: 0xCC 0x25 Max Power
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: 0xCC Max Power
T r a n s m i t B u f f e r E m p t y
The OEM Host issues this command to determine when the RF transmit
buffer is empty. The Host will not receive the transceiver response until
that time.
Command: 0xCC 0x30
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: 0xCC 0x00
D e e p S l e e p M o d e
The OEM Host issues this command to put the transceiver into Deep
Sleep mode. Once in Deep Sleep mode, the transceiver disables all RF
communications and will not respond to any further commands until
being reset or power-cycled.
This command is valid for both Servers and Clients.
Command: 0xCC 0x86
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: 0xCC Channel
R e a d T e m p e r a t u r e
The OEM Host issues this command to read the onboard temperature
sensor. The transceiver reports the temperature in
C where 0x00 - 0x50
corresponds to 0 - 80
C and where 0xD8 - 0x00 corresponds to -40 - 0
Command: 0xCC 0xA4
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: 0xCC Temperature
Parameter Range: Temperature = 0xD8 - 0x80
electronic components distributor