5: Commands and Levels
SGX™ 5150 IoT Device Gateway Command Reference
ikev2 insist
Sets the IKEv2 setting to Insist, signifying that the device will only accept and receive
IKEv2 and IKEv1 negotiations will be rejected.
ikev2 never
Sets the IKEv2 setting to Never, signifying no IKEv2 negotiation should be transmitted or
ikev2 permit
Sets the IKEv2 setting to Permit, signifying no IKEv2 should be transmitted, but will be ac-
cepted if the other ends initiates to us with IKEv2.
ikev2 propose
Sets the IKEv2 setting to Propose, signifying that the device will permit IKEv2, and also
use it as the default to initiate.
Sets the interface. <text> = interface.
local id
Sets the local id. <text> = local id.
local key length
Sets the local RSA key length.
local next hop
Sets the local next hop. <text> = local next hop.
local subnet
Sets the local subnet. <text> = local subnet.
mode configuration disa-
Disables mode configuration.
mode configuration ena-
Enables mode configuration.
nat traversal disable
Disables NAT traversal.
nat traversal enable
Enables NAT traversal.
no connection name
Clears the name.
no local id
Clears the local id.
no local next hop
Clears the local next hop.
no local subnet
Clears the local subnet.
no password
Clears the password.
no psk
Clears the pre shared key.
no remote endpoint
Clears the remote end point.
no remote id
Clears the remote id.
no remote key
Clears the remote key.
no remote next hop
Clears the remote next hop.
no remote rsa key
Clears the remote RSA key.
no remote subnet
Clears the remote subnets.
no username
Clears the username.
Sets the password. <text> = password.
perfect forward secrecy
Disables perfect forward secrecy (PFS).
perfect forward secrecy
Enables perfect forward secrecy (PFS).
Sets the pre shared key (PSK). <text> = pre shared key.
remote endpoint
Sets the remote end point. <text> = remote end point.
remote id
Sets the remote id. <text> = remote id.
remote key
Sets the remote key. <text> = remote key.
remote next hop
Sets the remote next hop. <text> = remote next hop.
remote peer type cisco
Sets the remote peer type to cisco.
remote peer type ietf
Sets the remote peer type to ietf.
remote rsa key
Sets the remote RSA key. <text> = remote RSA key.
remote subnet
Sets the remote subnets. <text> = remote subnets.
sa life time
Sets the SA lifetime.