Ameba-D Application Note
Application Note All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © REALTEK 2020. All rights reserved.
J-Link Debug
Follow the steps to debug and trace code of target project with IAR by J-Link:
Set the target project as active project and verify the debugger configurations as step (1) and (2).
Download and Debug
Debug without Downloading
Download and Debug: downloads the application and debug the project object file. If necessary, a make will be performed before
download to ensure the project is up to date.
Debug without Downloading: debug the project object file
When starting IAR C-SPY to debug, it will firstly reset the target CPU and run to the main function, as Fig 1-20 shows.
Toggles a breakpoint at the statement or instruction that contains or is located near the cursor in the source window. The “Toggle
Breakpoint” button is on the debug toolbar, as Fig 1-21 shows.
Fig 1-20 Running to main() when debug