Task integration (call)
The _POSMOA_rwAllParameter function block must be called cyclically in the
BackgroundTask or in the TimerInterruptTask. Calling in the SystemInterruptTask is not
permitted. Calling the function block in synchronous tasks (e.g. IPOSynchronousTask) is not
recommended for runtime reasons.
The functionality of the _POSMOA_rwAllParameter FB has been expanded with V4.1. To
enable you to use the newly implemented functionality, you must add the new posMode input
parameter when calling the _POSMOA_rwAllParameter FB.
If you want to work with the previous functionality (< V4.1), you can leave out the new input
parameter with a detailed notation when calling the FB.
Fault messages
The TRUE value at the error output parameter indicates a parameterization error. The
errorID output parameter contains more detailed information on the parameterization error that
has occurred or has been signaled by POSMO A. The errorParaNumber output parameter
supplies the number of the parameter that has caused the error.
Parameterization errors do not need to be acknowledged. Changed parameters (e.g. ramp-up
time) can be transferred again.
Calling function blocks
In order to be able to work with the function blocks in your user program, proceed as follows
(The numbers shown in the following program segment correspond to the steps below.):
1. Create the function block instances (see the following program segment, e.g. create
instance for the _POSMOA_control function block).
2. Create a variable for the data structure (for FB _POSMOA_rwAllParameter only).
3. Create an array for the in/out parameters of the FB.
4. Call instance of the function block.
5. Transfer input parameters.
6. The output parameters of the FB are accessed with <instance name of FB>. <name of
output parameter>.
7. Data prepared by the FB for the I/O outputs are assigned to the I/O variables from the array
created in step 3 (see the following program segment).
If you want to control more than one SIMODRIVE POSMO A, you must create a new
variable for the data structure (FB _POSMOA_rwAllParameter) and FB instances with new
names for each POSMO A you use.
Function blocks
3.6 Calling function blocks
Supplement to SIMODRIVE POSMO A Positioning Motor
Function Manual, 01/2015