Picture: add a picture object to the page;
Panel: add a panel object to the page;
Bevel: add a bevel object to the page;
Shape: add a shape object to the page;
Dynamic Text: add a dynamic text object to the page, dynamic text is a variable, such as voting
result, sign-in result, etc.;
Dynamic List: add a dynamic list object to the page, dynamic list is a set of variables, such as
Speaking List, Applying List, Seat Sign-in List, Entry Sign-in List, Vote Name List;
Dynamic Manuscript: add a dynamic manuscript object to the page, dynamic manuscript is
mainly used for Topic display;
Delegate Photo: add a delegate photo object to the page;
Dynamic Chart: add a dynamic chart object to the page, dynamic chart is to display the voting
result in histogram or pie;
Seat Map
add a seat map object to page, seat map type include: Seat Sign-in, Entry Sign-in,
Vote Map
Edit Text;
Font and Color;
Edit Background Color;
Bring to Front;
Send to Back;
Delete the selected object;
Load Picture;
Object Property;
Dynamic Object Property;
4.3.3 Screen Event
Define the display page when the conference event happens. “Conference event” is the action of a
conference process operation. For example, when voting started, it is a voting start event; when
voting ended, it is a voting end event, etc. Each conference event corresponds to a certain screen
For each event, you can assign a user designed screen page (or do not assign any page). That
means when this event happens, this screen page will be displayed.