Chapter 3 Sub-System configuration Setup
J4076-01 User's Manual
3.5.2 How to configure T10 zoning
After enabling T10 zoning, senven predefined groups are Group1,
Group8, Group9, Group10, Group11, Group 12 and Group 13.
Each PHY should be in one of the seven groups, and all PHYs in a wide
port should be in the same group.
Each PHY in Group1 can access any PHY in other groups, and vice
versa. Each PHY in Group8 cannot access any PHY in groups other than
Group8, and vice versa.
The command syntax is "phyzone phy_index group". The following
example shows how to setup one drive accessed only the first port and
another drive accessed only by the second port.
The configuration for the example is
(A) PHY8 - PHY11 for the first wide port of HUB
(B) PHY4 - PHY7 for the second wide port of HUB
(C) PHY20 - PHY21 for drives on EDGE
Step 1: Read the current group for PHY4 of HUB
cmd> phyzone 4
Phy 4 for Zone Group 1
Step 2: Assign the second port (PHY4 - PHY7) for Group9
cmd> phyzone 4 9
cmd> phyzone 5 9
cmd> phyzone 6 9
cmd> phyzone 7 9
Step 3: Assign the first port (PHY8 - PHY11) of HUB for Group8
cmd> phyzone 8 8
cmd> phyzone 9 8
cmd> phyzone 10 8
cmd> phyzone 11 8
Step 4: Assign the drive on PHY20 of EDGE to be accessed only by the
first port of HUB instead of the second port
cmd> phyzone 20 8
Step 5: Assign the drive on PHY21 of EDGE to be accessed only by the
second port of HUB instead of the first port
cmd> phyzone 21 9
Step 6: Rest HUB and EDGE for taking effect with the new settings.
cmd> reset