This command sets the max. voltage for the current channel.
Command syntax: [SOURce:]VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <parameter>
Parameter: IN TO MAX|MIN|MAX
Unit: V mV kV uV
Reset value: It is concerned about the parameter you set in the menu.
*RST value: MAX
Example: VOLT:PROT 20V
This command reads the actual output current of the power supply.
Command syntax: MEASure[:SCALer]:CURRent[:DC]?
Return parameter: The actual output current
Unit: A
Example: MEAS:CURR?
This command reads the actual output voltage value.
Command syntax: MEAS[:SCALer][:VOLTage][:DC]?
Return parameter: The actual output voltage
Unit: V
Example: MEAS?
This command reads the actual output power value.
Command syntax: MEASure[:SCALer]:POWer[:DC]?
Return parameter: The actual output power
Unit: W
Example: MEAS:POW?
This command turns the VFD display on/off.
Command syntax: DISPlay[:WINDow][:STATe] <parameter>
Parameter: 0(OFF)|1(ON)
Reset value: 1(ON)
*RST value: 1(ON)
Example: DISP 1
This command checks the state of the display.
Return parameter: 1(ON)|0(OFF)
Example: DISP?