D014465 CR1400 CR1000 CR2300 CR2600 CR3600 CR44X5 CR8000 CR900FD CR6000 CR5000 T500 Client Version ICD
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Note: the timeout will need to be increased from the normal response timeout to allow the firmware
time to write the file to the flash memory.
Reader Settings
The Host sets the Reader settings using the /, C, O, P, Q, and = commands and reads them using the G,
‘,’, and < commands.
For example, the following C command sets register 2E to the value 0x7F.
Note: for two-digit register numbers (i.e. settings 00 through FD), an alternative format may be used:
in place of the parentheses and hexadecimal setting number, substitute a single character, which
represents the setting number. The equivalent to the example above is
’ character has the hexadecimal value 0x2E. In certain circumstances, such as with text-
commands, “percent-encoding” may be used for encoding a character as a sequence consisting of the
percent character followed by two hexadecimal digits. With percent-encoding, the example may be
expressed as
In Section 9.3 below, the Reg column is the register number, in hexadecimal, to be used with the
commands identified above. In the Default column, all values are in hexadecimal unless otherwise
specified. To use decimal values in commands you must precede the data with a pound sign ‘#’. The
following C command sets register 2E to the same value as the example above:
Since the single digit values of 0 through 9 are identical in decimal and hexadecimal, no indicator is
Binary Dip Switch
Some registers are what Code terms a ‘Binary Dip Switch’ where the value of each bit of the data string
switches on or off some part of the behavior of that register. The bits are numbered from least
significant to most (a.k.a. right to left). Each bit can be on or off (1 or 0).
An example of this is register 0A, ‘NEC 2 of 5 Options’. The following settings are possible:
Bit (R to L)
NEC 2 of 5 Decoding
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Enable checksum checking
0: Disabled
1: Enabled