party and/or custom firmware providing extra features are not covered in this manual.
4K Diva – User Manual
RS232 and IP/Telnet Command List
Diva RS232 jack expects the following plug signals:
TIP = TX [sends data out from Diva]
RING = RX [receives data to Diva]
Parameters: 19200, n, 1, no handshake
If using RS232, each command must start with #diva header and must end with a carriage return \r or a
newline \n
If using IP/TELNET each command must end with a carriage return \r or a newline \n but there is no
need for the #diva header.
Each response will have both carriage return \r and a newline \n added in the format <cr><lf>
Diva default IP port is 2210. e.g.
Use only lowercase characters
A generic RS232 command to write a value:
#diva set x y
where #diva is the header and all commands start with this header
set - indicates value will be written to diva
x - target to be written
y - value or values
A generic RS232 command to read a value:
#diva get x
where #diva is the header and all commands start with this header
get - indicates value will be read from diva
x - target to be read
A generic IP command is as above without the #diva header
Full DIVA command list:
#diva set insel tx0 tx1
where tx0 and tx1 is [0-3] input port, or [4] for follow
Ex. #diva set insel 2 3
Set tx0 to input 2 and tx1 to input 3
#diva set inseltx0 x
where x is [0-3] input port, or [4] for follow
Ex. #diva set inseltx0 1
Set tx0 to input 1 and keep tx1 as is