#set cmd RESTORE
#set done1 0
[#loop |while| (done1<>1) |do|
#set isDef [#input Is the tape info included in a define?(y/n): ]
[#case [isDef]
| y Y |
#set isDef 1
#set done1 1
| n N |
#set isDef 0
#set done1 1
| otherwise |
#set AN [#input Give the name of the tape or define (e.g. $tape or =def): ]
[#if ((isDef) OR ((isDef<>1) AND [#processexists [AN] ])) |then|
#set done 1
[#if (isDef<>1) |then|
#output Non-existent Tape Process. Please check!
#set #exit 1 == should never reach here
] ==loop
== We have the archive format and name info
== Now get going with the setup work
#set done 0
[#loop |while| (done = 0) |do|
#set parts [#input How many (pri + sec) partitions are there in archive?: ]
[#if ((parts <= 64) AND (parts > 0) ) |then| #set done 1
|else| #output Invalid number of partitions!!!
#set done 0
[#loop |while| (done = 0) |do|
#set pext [#input What are the primary extents (pages) for the source file?: ]
[#if ( (pext > 0) ) |then| #set done 1
|else| #output Bad PExt value!
#set done 0
[#loop |while| (done = 0) |do|
#set sext [#input What are the secondary extents (pages) for the source file?: ]
[#if ( (sext > 0) ) |then| #set done 1
|else| #output Bad SExt value!
#set done 0
[#loop |while| (done = 0) |do|
#output Provide a temp $vol.svol to host source partition files. This should
#set temploc [#input be different from target volume(s): ]
#set done1 [#charget temploc 1 for 1]
[#if ( ( done1 '=' "$" ) AND & == starts with $
( [#charfind temploc 1 .] > 0 ) AND & == only one . in name
( [#charfind temploc [#compute ([#charfind temploc 1 .] + 1)] .] <= 0)
|then| #set done 1
|else| #output !!!! Bad input !!!!