HydroLynx Systems, Inc.
Model 5052RD-K ALERT2 Receiver/Decoder
Page 20
# IP6 definitions, do not change.
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
Edit the host file with the command: vi /etc/hosts
Move the cursor to the line below the last line printed, then press i to start insert mode,
type the host IP address, a space, the host name, then press [Enter] to finish the line.
Lines starting with # are comments. Continue adding IP addresses and host names until
done, then press [Esc] to quit the insert. For example:
# Local alert2 decoder name, change as needed. a2decoder1
# NovaStar5 servers. novastar5a novastar5b
Save your changes and quit, type the command: :wq (no [Enter] required)
To quit without saving use type the command: :q! (no [Enter] required)
Reboot the ALERT2 decoder to make the changes effective. Type the command: reboot
Restart your ALERT2 Decoder Console connection and log in again.
4.2 ALERT1 Decoder Programming
4.2.1 ALERT1 Decoder IP Address Change
The ALERT1 Decoder IP address is set by DHCP by default, unless a factory IP setup
was requested. To determine the assigned IP address, launch a Windows Command
Prompt window and type the command: arp -a