ALLON—Turns all PODs on without sequence
ALLOFF – Turns all PODs off without sequence
SEQUP(X) – Sequences up all PODs from 1 to 3, where (X) is the number of
seconds between sequence events (e.g. A 2 second sequence would be SE-
SEQDOWN(X) Sequences down all PODs from 3 to 1, where (X) is the number
of seconds between sequence events (e.g. A 2 second sequence would be
POD1CURRENT (Reports current draw on Pod 1)
POD2CURRENT (Reports current draw on Pod 2)
POD3CURRENT (Reports current draw on Pod 3)
DHCPON - Enables DHCP on the iP15
DHCPOFF - Disables the DHCP on the iP device. You will want to disable
DHCP before entering any new network settings via RS232 or the changes will
be lost when connecting the unit to a network.
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - Sets the IP address of the unit where ‘X’
represents your chosen numerals.
SETMASK XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - Sets the subnet mask of the unit
where ‘X’ represents your chosen numerals.
SETGATEIP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - Sets the gateway of the unit where
‘X’ represents your chosen numerals.
SETPDNS - Sets the primary DNS IP address.
SETSDNS - Sets the secondary DNS IP address.
INFO - Shows all current settings
RESTART - Restarts/Reboots the iP device. Use this command after
making your changes.
End of line (EOL), or line break, is a special sequence of characters
signifying the end of a line of text.
EOL is defined as LF ( line feed, 0x0A ) and CR (carriage return,
0x0D ) combined into one (LF+CR, CR+LF).
The iP1520 firmware ignores LF. However, it waits for CR to find the
end of command.
In other words, EOL should be present as LF+CR, CR+LF, or CR at
the end of every command issued.
If you wish you design your own driver/interface for the iP device this can be
done by incorporating the predefined RS232 protocols as listed in the RS232
Control and Monitoring section of this Manual into your software
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