Freescale Semiconductor
Installing the Software and Setting up the Hardware
6.3 MicroController Abstraction Layer (MCAL)
A Microcontroller Abstraction Layer (MCAL) is defined in order to provide basic MCU drivers to the SW Reference Platform upper Layers.
The primarily intent is to allow the software developer to easily modify source code or replace the microcontroller - for example , use of
S12X 16-bit MCU - with no modification of the Complex drivers (i.e. ASBC, SQUIB or ACC). Thanks to the MCAL, a software developer
can maximize re-use of the SW Reference Platform APIs in order to build their own SW application.
RDAIRBAGPSI5 can be configured to modify the MCU Software code using CodeWarrior to download a customized firmware. The
following sections describe all steps required to configure RDAIRBAGPSI5 for MCU Software development.
Installing CodeWarrior 10.5 or Greater
This procedure explains how to obtain and install the latest version of CodeWarrior 10.5 or greater.
The sample software in this kit requires CodeWarrior 10.5 or greater. If CodeWarrior 10.5 or greater is already on your system,
the steps in this section can be skipped.
1. Obtain the latest CodeWarrior 10.5 (or greater) installer file from
2. Run the executable file and follow the instructions.
During the installation, there is a request to select components to install. User must install at least the Qorivva component. Select the
Qorivva component and click on "Next" to complete the installation.
Figure 17. CodeWarrior Choose Components